I love wine...but not a very wide variety of it. I drink moscato and other light, sweet wines, but I have never found a red wine I like. So I'm definitely not coming in with any expertise. I'm hoping to learn to find and appreciate other types of wine in this class to expand my taste, though. I'd really like to find a few red wines and champagnes that I like.
I probably drink wine about once a month now. I drink it whenever it's offered to me - at weddings, parties, and holidays (my family is all about drinking!) but I only buy it for myself every once in awhile, and then I almost always stick to the old faithful Barefoot Moscato.
Besides hopefully finding more wines that I like, I'm looking forward to learning about all the other stuff this class covers, too. I'm excited to learn how to drink wine - what to pair it with, etc. - and how to talk about it - tastes, textures, and all that.